
STUDENT: How Important Is Your Major? A Four Part Series

Monday, November 8, 2010

These days, choosing the correct major can be confusing. More and more, I listen to current students and recent graduates discussing the necessity of having a degree, but many also claim that no one really cares what major you have.

How encouraging…

Do businesses really care whether employees specialize or not? Is there a difference between a political science and business administration major to a potential employer? Were those additional two years of schooling and 20 years of loan payments worth changing your major from communications to accounting?

These questions are vital to students, especially in an economy where businesses can get experienced, tested, professional employees for what they paid their secretary clerks in 2006. Perhaps the alternative to underemployment is starting a business, but do you need a degree to do that? I have put myself on the hunt to answer these questions, not only for you, but also for myself.

Each month I will be working with corporations, entrepreneurs, university advisors, and students on providing legitimate answers to a very important question: Is a specialized major truly important to future success?  I will post their responses and opinions in this investigation over the importance of a student’s major.

I invite you to tag along, post comments, and provide any insight that you might have.

Until next time,

Alex Grimnes


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